I remember the first time I heard the phrase “aha moment” was years ago in Milwaukee. (I may have been behind the times because apparently the phrase has been around since at least 1931). We were in a presentation about kids’ behavior in school, and the presenter talked about “aha moments” in understanding better what was behind “difficult” kids’ actions and reactions in class. Much of it had to do with biological responses in children who unfortunately did not have the benefit of safety, care or good nutrition in their home. There were some “aha moments” for all of us who were there, and the stories we heard had a big impact on us.
Jesus came to have a big impact on the world with his teaching, and he often used parables. Stories. And particularly stories we could relate to in order to let us in on how things work in God’s kingdom.
As we read and hear the parables our minds and hearts are opened by the Spirit to understand life in a different way. Often they amaze us and give us an “aha!” response. Parables turn our perspectives upside down because God’s message is totally different than the messages of the world.
Over the next four Sundays we’ll ask Jesus to “tell us a story.” Each parable will cover one of the important topics of generosity, sincerity, patience, and rejection. Come and join us in worship for some of your own “aha moments” with your Savior!