Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)
How does that strike you? It probably depends on your state of mind. It can be encouraging and affirm the joy you’re feeling now. Or it can seem like an unattainable goal.
It is the Word of the Lord. And it’s mentioned twice. “Rejoice!” And again, “Rejoice!” So we want to listen to this Word from God and live it.
In an age in which we are all more aware of mental health considerations, we may run across a recent diagnosis of what is called “smiling depression.” One description of it was . . . . “fake it til you make it.” We’re rightly in tune with the idea that just putting on a show with a smile doesn’t necessarily mean that’s reflecting reality. Is that what the Scripture commands us to do? Pretend rejoicing? Not at all! That wouldn’t be God’s way.
Throughout the Word God gives us the strength to do what he asks us to do. In this section from Philippians 4 God says,
“Rejoice!”, and then right after that says, … in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God (Philippians 4:6)
Whatever gets in the way of our joy, we present it to the Lord. If it’s loss, we take it to God for peace and trust. If it’s guilt, we request more confidence in Jesus’ saving sacrifice for all sin. If it’s anger at offense, we pray for a forgiving heart. In every situation, as the verse tells us, going to the Lord in his Word will lead to the Holy Spirit restoring our joy.
“Rejoice always” is one of those impossibly high Christian life goals that are still good to hear! Like “Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” or “Love your neighbor as yourself.” But God in his wisdom continues to put them out in front of us and moves us toward them through the work of the Spirit.
Jesus Christ has given us a foundation of joy in his salvation that will always be a solid rock to stand on. When we go to the Lord our joy returns.