There’s something in most of us that makes us envy birds in flight. We’d love to be able to fly effortlessly above it all and see things from their perspective. I’m sure there were times when I was a child that I jumped off a tree branch flapping some homemade “wings” and hoping I could fly for even just a half second.
A little bit ago driving by the foothills we saw a hang glider in flight. An impressive sight! Despite some obvious risks, people keep pursuing the feeling of soaring through the air.
It’s also a wonderful thing to “soar” spiritually buoyed by the strength of the Lord. At times, though, . . . . life can feel like a drag, as if we’re anchored to the ground and can’t move or see much beyond the couple of feet in front of us.
“My way is hidden from the Lord;
my cause is disregarded by my God” (Isaiah 40:27)
One of the devil’s great tricks is to make us think God is not interested. That’s a “drag” on life. That can get us down. To not only face a challenge, but get the impression God is not actively involved, helping, or even paying attention.
If a sickness or tough relationship or disappointment or seemingly unsolvable problem has “clipped your wings,” return to the Lord’s strength. Holy Communion is Christ present to assure us of forgiveness and his care for our soul. Our baptism is always there to remind us that God has given us new life and salvation. The Word is a never-ending fountain of life in God’s promises to his people.
Maybe sometimes we look for God’s strength and attention in the wrong places and so we don’t see it. But it’s always there, especially in the Word and Sacraments. He never tires of giving us grace and fortifying our souls.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak….
those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles (Isaiah 40:29,31)