To shine is to give out a bright light. Stars shine. According to Google AI “stars” and “stardom” started to be applied to people in the 1800s, especially in the theatre. Now it’s common for anyone that “shines” or stands out for their talent to be called a star. That’s true for sports, movies, politics, and any number of other fields.
People shining as stars goes back to at least the book of Daniel though. The Holy Spirit through the prophet shows us a “time of distress” near the end. God’s people will be protected by . . . . the archangel Michael. In the judgment, some will go to “everlasting life” and some to “everlasting contempt.”
Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever (Daniel 12:3).
There’s that picture! Shining like the brightness of the heavens and like stars for ever and ever. It’s not the most talented. Not the baseball star. Not the star of the stage. Not the rising star in a political party. The stars in God’s prophecy are the wise, and those who lead many to righteousness. They don’t get the title from their own ability, but from the Lord’s work in them and through them.
The wise are wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (v.15). They know their sin and their Savior. They care about their salvation and lead others to righteousness and holiness in Jesus’ forgiveness. They’re God’s lights and God’s stars.
After this life we don’t literally turn into stars in the sky that people can look up to at night, as cute as that idea might be. But we are stars in God’s view if by his grace we know salvation in Christ and bring others to him. That’s a light that will never go out. Shine on, people of the Lord!