20s and 30s Group — Hiking Adventure

What: 20s and 30s - Hiking Adventure

Where: Inner Canyon Loop Trail @ Castlewood Canyon State Park
• 6.1 mile loop … 731 ft elevation gain … 2 hours & 30 minutes 
• 30-minute drive from Church

When: Saturday, July 13, 2024 - Meet at Church - 9:00 am

Why: 20s and 30s … Fun, Fellowship & Connect with God’s Creation! How Bring plenty of water, snack, hiking clothes and sunscreen

Other: Have a favorite Bible passage to share at the summit!

Please contact Pastor Valleskey or Jeff Schomberg if you have any questions.
Pastor Valleskey...(720)391-1624 ... pastor@awlc.org
Jeff Schomberg...(720)749-8659 ... jeff.s.p356@gmail.com
